Resource Category: Economics (General)

  • Closing the Ever-Growing Gap

    January 2, 2017
    CFED released “Administrative Actions to Close the Ever-Growing Gap.” This document describes seven administrative policy proposals President Trump could take…
  • The Economics of The Independent Workforce

    December 12, 2016
    This study, which was commissioned by Upwork, the world’s largest freelancing marketplace, places the IW in context by examining the…
  • Philanthropy and the Future of Work

    November 3, 2016
    In a new paper, Philanthropy and the Future of Work: Dimensions of Change and Opportunities for Action, we address the challenges…
  • Economic Security for the Gig Economy

    November 2, 2016
    Etsy is now forging new ground by lobbying for the economic security of its sellers. In a new report, the company points…
  • Freelancing in America 2016

    October 6, 2016
    2016 is the third year we have conducted “Freelancing in America” – the most comprehensive measure of the U.S. independent…
  • Amazon and Empty Storefronts

    September 1, 2016
    Civic Economics new report – Amazon and Empty Storefronts – looks at two broad classes of impact: Fiscal (relating to…
  • Monopoly Power and Small Business

    August 1, 2016
    The Institute for Local Self-Reliance issued a new report that suggests a troubling explanation for the dwindling ranks of small…
  • Fast Facts on the California Economy

    July 20, 2016
    Check out the Fast Facts on California Economy published by the Assembly Committee on Jobs, Economic Development and the Economy…
  • The Declining Cost of Distance

    February 10, 2016
    For centuries, the cost of distance has determined where businesses produce and sell, where employers locate jobs and where families…
  • Income of Veteran Business Owners

    November 23, 2015
    This study examines the financial success, measured by income and net worth, of households headed by military veterans. The study…