- June 24, 2021The Milken Institute is researching how to modernize evaluation strategies and improve the responsiveness of small business technical assistance (TA)…
- June 24, 2021In this Must Know... Commercial Rent ReliefCAMEO is Hiring!Fridays Off in JulyThis week’s Goodie highlight is USDA’s Socially Disadvantaged Groups Grant…
- June 17, 2021Greetings!Bear with us as we have LOTS of small biz news this week! In this Must Know... CDFI Fund AwardsState…
- June 17, 2021On June 19, 1865, Union Army General Gordon Granger proclaimed freedom from slavery in Galveston, Texas. This marked the moment…
- June 10, 2021In this Must Know... Advocacy Day Success!Learn more on how to participate in our Community Navigator application on June 15, 2021 at 3:00pm PT.Join…
- June 3, 2021CAMEO CEO Carolina Martinez released the following statement today praising the California Senate's passage of SB 625, which would establish…
- June 3, 2021In this Must Know... State Bills Passed!Join CAMEO’s Advocacy Day 2021 NEXT WEEK on June 8, 2021.Join us on June 21, 2021 at 3:00pm for…