Rural Grant Opportunity

Need help applying for a CCHD grant for your rural nonprofit? Beth Hyser and the National Catholic Rural Life Conference are here to help!

On September 26, CAMEO hosted a teleconference about the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), a funding source for micro-business development. Presented by Ms. Hyser, the session was aimed at 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations that serve low income people in rural or urban areas. Grant applications for the CCHD are due November 1.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops created the CCHD 40 years ago to provide funding to groups that address the causes of poverty in their communities. CCHD has provided nearly 8,000 grants to community groups that address the following issues: have supported legal advocacy to enforce fair wages, environmental justice, affordable housing in low-income neighborhoods, parish based social action organizing, micro-enterprise development, and marketplaces or co-operatives for small artisans and growers. The National Catholic Rural Life Conference works with the CCHD to offer free outreach and consulting to rural community groups to address poverty.

View the powerpoint slides by clicking here: National Catholic Rural Life Conference Webinar.