- October 24, 2022Advocacy’s annual State Profiles gather the latest federal economic data into state-by-state snapshots of small business economic activity. SBA Office…
- October 20, 2022SBAF Surveys Show Childcare has a big Impact on Small Business Small Business for America
- October 20, 2022California Communities’ Broadband Needs and the Role of Financial Institutions: Findings from California Reinvestment Coalition Surveys California Reinvestment Coalition
- October 19, 2022The Entrepreneurship in the Population (EPOP) Survey is a new publicly available resource for understanding the scope of entrepreneurial activities…
- October 19, 2022Immigrant owners consist of roughly 18 percent of business owners with employees and almost 23 percent of business owners without…
- August 27, 2022Although entrepreneurship is often touted as an arena of equal opportunity, there are major systemic barriers to realizing this ideal…
- August 19, 2022Women-owned small businesses make up a significant proportion of all firms in the Los Angeles region with just over 20…
- June 19, 2022Entrepreneurship is a critical pathway to wealth-building and job creation. If Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) started and…
- June 14, 2022Recent trends, including the number of small employer firms and proprietors’ income, show small firms have weathered the COVID-19 shock.…
- May 19, 2022This report describes the responses to the 2021 Survey of Household Economics and Decision making (SHED). The Federal Reserve Board…