Resource Category: Economics (General)

  • 2017 UN Report on Poverty & Human Rights in the US

    December 15, 2017
    I have spent the past two weeks visiting the United States, at the invitation of the federal government, to look…
  • What Women Entrepreneurs Need to Thrive

    December 1, 2017
    Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship, released a report titled: “Tackling…
  • Disparities in Small Business Lending

    November 2, 2017
    A study examining disparities in small business lending conducted by the Woodstock Institute found that Fresno minority businesses are losing…
  • Necessity & Women’s Entrepreneurship

    October 2, 2017
    The National Women’s Business Council (NWBC) released “Necessity as a Driver of Women’s Entrepreneurship” this week. The report examines whether and…
  • The Racial Wealth Divide

    September 1, 2017
    Prosperity Now and the Institute for Policy Studies look at the racial wealth divide at the median over the next…
  • Equity Profile of Los Angeles

    August 17, 2017
    Equity Profiles project by PolicyLink recently produced a report for San Francisco, the Bay Area and Los Angeles County. Each…
  • The Role of Microbusiness Employers

    August 1, 2017
    The SBA Office of Advocacy released a report on the impact of microbusiness on the national economy. Microbusinesses, defined in…
  • Generational Views of Entrepreneurship

    May 1, 2017
    America’s SBDCs did a study – America’s Voice on Small Business – that delves into the entrepreneurial mindsets of different…
  • Black Business Ownership

    February 16, 2017
    AEO recently released “The Tapestry of Black Business Ownership in America: Untapped Opportunities for Success.” The report assesses the economic…
  • Business Ownership And The Racial Wealth Gap

    January 3, 2017
    African Americans & Latinos/as face high barriers to starting and growing businesses, including lower levels of financial assets. What steps…