Resource Category: Access to Capital

  • Cover page of report "Transformative Frontiers"

    Pacific Community Ventures 2023 Impact Report

    June 12, 2024
    Our 2023 Impact Report outlines the strategies and services we offered to meet this moment, and highlights what worked and…
  • Cover page of report: Decades of Disinvestment: Historic Redlining and Mortgage Lending Since 1981 by NCRC

    Historic Redlining and Mortgage Lending Since 1981

    May 31, 2024
    The HLD effectively bridges the gap between the different eras of HMDA data collection and clarifies it for researchers, using…
  • cover page of the report, How to Close the Gender Gap in Startup Financing

    Closing the Gender Gap in Startup Financing

    April 12, 2024
    A global analysis of previous research over the last three decades shows that women entrepreneurs face a higher rate of…
  • Hidden Costs of Small Dollar Loans

    April 3, 2024
    Earned wage advances (EWA) and cash advance products are small, short-term loans that are typically repaid on the consumer’s next…
  • cover page for report 2024 REPORT ON EMPLOYER FIRMS

    2024 Report on Employer Firms

    March 7, 2024
    The 2023 Small Business Credit Survey (SBCS) shows signs of a further waning of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic…
  • cover page for Best Practices for Equitable Lending white paper

    Best Practices for Equitable Lending

    December 29, 2023
    Development finance agencies (DFAs) are tasked with providing financial services to underserved communities in order to see them grow and…
  • cover page for Redlining the Reservation

    Redlining the Reservation

    December 29, 2023
    The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 sought to address the practice of redlining – the intentional exclusion by banks of…
  • first page of A View from the Inside

    A View of PPP from the Inside

    December 19, 2023
    This brief examines the financing activity, financial performance, and efficiency and operations of Opportunity Finance Network’s member CDFIs that served…
  • cover page for this report

    Understanding CDFI Financial Data

    December 19, 2023
    This brief highlights sector dynamics that provide important context for any analysis of individual CDFIs, and shares suggestions for both…
  • cover page for The State of Inclusion in the U.S. Financial System report

    State of Inclusion in Financial System

    November 1, 2023
    The State of Inclusion in the U.S. Financial System follows Aspen FSP’s report, Towards a National Strategy for Financial Inclusion, and…