Power of Micro, Scholarship

Save the Date – December 3, 2013 – for our Women’s Entrepreneurship Symposium in Los Angeles.

  • Webinar – Self-Employment: A Labor Market Reality
  • CAMEO in the News
  • The Goodies – This week’s highlight includes a unique scholarship opportunity. CAMEO is sponsoring one participant at the WIPP (Women In Public Policy) 2013 Leadership Conference, October 9-10 in Washington, DC. Learn how to apply for this high level leadership training opportunity. Applications due September 19, 2013.

Webinar – Self-Employment: A Labor Market Reality

Join Claudia Viek, CEO of CAMEO (California Association for Micro Enterprise Opportunity), for a virtual brown bag lunch, with a short presentation and discussion of this crucial labor market trend.

Monday, September 16, 2013, 12:00 PM PDT
Register for the webinar: Self-employment is THE labor market trend.

In California corporations with more than 500 employees shed almost 300,000 jobs from 2003 to 2010, while companies with 1-4 employees created more than 700,000 jobs during the same period. It’s the very small businesses and independent workers who are creating jobs. You know who the small businesses are, but who are these independent workers?

This session will present self employment and local micro-business trends, and describe strategies, tools and resources that are effective in creating businesses, jobs and sustained local economies, without huge investment.

Bring your lunch, log on and discuss one of the most important labor market trends we are facing.

CAMEO in the News

On August 29, 2013, CAMEO had two important pieces in major California papers.

In other member-related news, congratulations to AEO and its One in Three website. AEO won the Standards of Excellence Award in the Nonprofit Category from the Web Marketing Association.

The Goodies

New opportunities for trainings, conference information, funding, scholarships, and other information that have crossed our desks since the last Must Know: I have posted a running tab of current Goodies on the CAMEO website that lists items that were in past emails. Check it out to make sure you’re not missing anything, like grants whose deadlines are still alive!

Scholarship Opportunity: CAMEO will sponsor one participant at the WIPP (Women In Public Policy) 2013 Leadership Conference, October 9-10 in Washington, DC. Learn how to apply for this high level leadership training opportunity. Applications due September, 19.

Take Action: CAMEO sponsored Assembly Bill (AB) 285 (Brown), a measure that requires the California Workforce Investment Board (CWIB) to develop guidelines for implementing entrepreneurship and self-employment training programs. Β The bill is on the governor’s desk! We are asking that you write a letter to Governor Brown asking him to sign AB 285. Download a sample letter.

New Report: Our friends from Emergent Research and MDO Partners released their 2013 State of Independence in America report. “The growing headcount of Americans working more than half-time as individual self-employed contributors reached 17.7 million, up 10% from the base year of 2011, generating nearly $1.2 trillion in total income — and growing 20% annually.” (More on this next week!)

Healthcare Info: The Small Business Administration and Small Business Majority are launching the Affordable Care Act 101 weekly webinar series. Small business owners can learn the basics of the Affordable Care Act and what it means for their company and employees, including insurance reforms, the small business health care tax credit, the new health insurance marketplaces, and employer shared responsibility provisions. Each week, SBA representatives will walk through the key pieces of the law so that small business owners can understand the facts and make the best, informed decisions they can about providing health insurance for their employees. The Affordable Care Act 101 will take place every Thursday from now (next ones are September 12, 19, 26) through the opening of the marketplaces in October. Go to their website to register for The Affordable Care Act 101.

Free Webinar: The Aspen Institute’s FIELD program hosts ‘Scale through Distance Learning’ on September 17 from 10:00-11:30am PDT // 1:00-2:30 pm EDT. Do you provide training, technical assistance or other business development services to microentrepreneurs? Is your staff stretched thin trying to reach more and more of them as you scale up? If so, you might be considering, or already trying, distance learning as a strategy to keep costs down, reduce the wear and tear on staff, and effectively help more entrepreneurs succeed. Register and learn more about online learning webinar.

Free Webinar, For Your Clients: So, You Need a Loan. Find out What You Need to Be Prepared for Financing Options on Wednesday, September 18, 2013, from 4:00-5:15pm PDT. In this webinar attendees will: open their eyes to long term planning and expansion; understand best practices for tracking income/expenses and developing good credit; understand assets and collateral from a lender’s perspective; learn about different financing options; create good projections for a loan application. Register and learn more.

Free Conference: Farmer Veterans Coalition hosts Empowering Women Veterans Conference on Thursday November 14, 2013 to Sunday November 17, 2013 in Louisville, KY. Learn more and register.