COVID-19 Relief & Research | CA Rebuilding Fund Listening Session

“Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” – Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg.

In this Must Know…

COVID-19 Relief & Research

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Congress and the White House remain in negotiations on a new COVID-19 relief package. All discussion drafts include continued support for small businesses through the Paycheck Protection Program.

The latest draft is a $908 billion package that contains $300 billion for SBA, additional funding for PPP, and $12 billion for CDFIs and MDIs.

The FY21 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) also includes many small business procurement provisions that our team worked hard for. The Senate is expected to vote on it today.

Today, Public Private Strategies are releasing the results of Reimagine Main Street, a large survey regarding the impact of COVID-19 on small business owners of color.

California Rebuilding Fund

California Rebuilding Fund Listening Session

It’s been a few weeks since the launch of the California Rebuilding Fund. We want to know how it’s been going for those of you working with clients in the program.

Join our CA Rebuilding Fund Listening Session on December 16, 2020 at 1:30pm PST. No need to register, just click on the link.

You can also check out our previous Train-the-Trainer webinars for more help and guidance.

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Holiday Gift Guide

Have you finished all your holiday shopping? If not, there’s still time to get presents and goodies from small businesses all over California.

Check out CAMEO’s Holiday Gift Guide 2020, featuring shopping guides and directories from many of our members and partners.

We met four great entrepreneurs at Tuesday’s Sacramento Region Member meeting – check them out, too!

If your guide isn’t featured yet, please contact Daniela.

The Goodies

New Research

Professional Opportunities

Other Goodies