Celebrate Small Business | Listening Session: CA Opens for Biz

In this Must Know… 

  • Celebrate Small Business
  • Join our Listening Session on May 6, 2021 at 10:00am PT to discuss California’s plans to reopen the economy on June 15.
  • CAMEO 2020 Year in Review
  • Join CAMEO’s Advocacy Day 2021 on June 8, 2021.
  • This week’s Goodie highlights are the many SBA relief programs for your clients, including the Restaurant Revitalization Fund, Shuttered Venue Operators Grant, PPP, and EIDL.

Celebrate Small Business

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Lots of stuff going on around small business in the upcoming weeks!

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Listening Session: CA Opens for Business

Last week Governor Gavin Newsom announced that California will fully reopen our economy on June 15

Join us on May 6, 2021 at 10:00am PT to discuss what small businesses need to know to open safely. CAMEO will be joined by Reimagining Main Street and the California Department of Public Health.

Also, did you know that you can receive a tax credit against Medicare taxes you paid?

CAMEO 2020 Year in Review

CAMEO 2020 Year in Review

2020 was a unique, difficult year – for small businesses and entrepreneurs, for our member organizations, and for us and our staff.

With every obstacle, comes opportunity. 

We redrew the goals we started with and retooled our strategies to better serve our members. And our core mission remained and will remain intact.
Check out our 2020 Year in Review for a snapshot at CAMEO’s work and achievements in the past year.

The Goodies

For Your Clients

COVID-19 Resources

Other Goodies