In this Must Know…
- 2019 Small Business Scorecard
- Register for our Third Thursday Webinar, “Online Group Training” and learn how to take your group class online. It’s October 17, 2019 at 2:00 pm PT.
- Nominate a Micro Biz for our Faces Award
- This week’s Goodie highlight is EDA’s grant training workshop for disaster relief funding.
2019 Small Business Scorecard

California’s state legislators scored high marks for their leadership on small business issues during the 2019 legislative session, according to CAMEO’s first-ever Small Business Scorecard, released this week.
The Scorecard examined the voting records of all 119 legislators on 16 bills passed by lawmakers this year on key issues of concern to California’s four million small businesses, giving high grades to the overwhelming majority of elected representatives in both chambers.
Please help us share the results! Shout out your legislators on Twitter to show your appreciation for their work, and download our digital toolkit for more ideas to spread the word.
Third Thursday Webinar

Join “Online Group Training” on October 17, 2019 at 2:00 pm PT.
These days, clients request or expect online programs.
In this webinar, you’ll be given clear instructions on how to take in-person classes, bring them to life online, and deliver them as live online group classes via video conference technology. This is an intro to a 5-week class in November that will go in depth and help you Take Your TA Online. Webinar attendees will get first dibs for this limited-space class.
Nominate a Micro Biz for The Faces Award

Know a business or client who goes the extra mile to grow their business and community? Nominate them for CAMEO’s Faces of Entrepreneurship Awards, which will be presented at our 25th Anniversary Celebration on December 5, 2019 in San Francisco.
And don’t forget to buy your tickets to this unforgettable event! We have a great evening planned with friends – old and new, yummy food, and more.
The Goodies
New Reports
- “Small Business, Big Dreams” provides a nuanced narrative about the challenges to wealth building through entrepreneurship in low-income communities.
- “Money Where Our Mouths Are” reveals that it’s much harder for female founders in agri-tech to raise money for their ventures than it is for their male counterparts.
Funding News & Opportunities
- Kudos to Bixel Exchange and UCI Beall Applied Innovation for being two of the recipients of SBA’s 2019 Growth Accelerator Fund.
- EDA is making $587 million available to eligible grantees serving communities affected by major disasters. Join their grant training workshop on October 29, 2019 in Chico, CA.
Event News
- Working Solutions CEO, Sara Razavi, is nominated for the OFN Board.
- Catch your fellow CAMEO members in action at the OFN Conference October 20-23, 2019 in Washington, DC.
Other Goodies
- CAMEO News: Our CEO, Carolina Martinez, is part of the 2020 CALED Conference Steering Committee.
- Jobs: California FarmLink, PCV, and Operation HOPE announced new job and volunteering opportunities recently. See who else is hiring!