Category: news

  • California FY22-23 May Revised Budget

    May 19, 2022
    California expects a record budget surplus of nearly $100 Billion. GRANTS New programs $500 million one-time General Fund in 2022-23…
  • Central Coast Regional Meeting

    May 12, 2022
    CAMEO was thrilled to co-host our first in-person regional meeting since February 2020 at Brews-N-Krew in Salinas with our Central…
  • Advocacy Day 2022 Recap

    May 5, 2022
    Unmasking Economic Justice for a Small Business Recovery Thanks to the approximately 100 people who attended last week's Advocacy Day!…
  • This Week in Washington

    April 29, 2022
    The House passed five bi-partisan small business bills earlier this week including reauthorization for the Women's Business Center Program and…
  • Take Action: Support Federal TILA

    March 9, 2022
    Please support Small Business Lending Disclosure Act of 2021 (HR 6054 / S 3235). This federal bill, based on the BBoR, would…
  • CAMEO Academy is Launched

    February 28, 2022
  • CDFIs Help Communities of Color

    February 24, 2022
    CDFIs Can Do More With a Few Changes to the Program Thanks to Addison Peterson, CAMEO’s Policy Specialist Two CAMEO…
  • Entrepreneurship Advantage January 2022 Virtual Meetup

    February 3, 2022
    About Entrepreneurship Advantage is a Los Angeles-based collaboration that is passionate about helping entrepreneurs thrive. We kicked off January with…
  • Doordash and Mindbody Enter MCA Arena

    February 2, 2022
    Takeaways: Beware of new cash advance schemes! Respected platforms are entering the small business financing business - make sure your clients…
  • Omicron Checklist for Employers

    January 19, 2022
    Enhanced Protections to Help Meet This Moment From our colleagues at Health Action Alliance. Legal battles aside, employers in most states are…