Entrepreneurship Advantage October Virtual Meetup: Combating Commercial Displacement


Entrepreneurship Advantage is a Los Angeles-based collaboration that is passionate about helping entrepreneurs thrive.

In this month’s meet up, we explored a local issue that could be affecting your clients, gentrification.

What is Gentrification? How Does it Affect Small Businesses?

Watch the Small Business Anti-Displacement Network (SBAN) video to learn more about gentrification, what it looks like, and how it impacts communities and their small businesses:

The Governor’s executive order that prevented commercial evictions of small businesses and non-profit organizations for nonpayment of rent expired on Thursday, September 30, 2021. We invited our colleagues from the Small Business Anti-Displacement Network (SBAN) to talk about their work on commercial gentrification and displacement. Theyโ€™re currently recruiting practitioners to share strategies in commercial anti-displacement in key markets including LA.

Thank you to our speakers:

Meeting Takeaways

CAMEO Updates

  • Microlending Essentials (MILES), October 25-29, 2021: SOLD OUT!
    • Email Liza Rivera to get on the waitlist for MILES January 2022
  • CAMEO Annual Member Meeting, December 2, 2021 at 11:00am: Register Here
  • CAMEO Impact Survey

EA Updates

  • Register for our last EA meeting of the year on November 16, 2021 at 11:00am
  • Send me your Shopping Guides for the Holidays
  • Small Business Panel for January EA Meeting: if you have someone in mind email Liza Rivera

Stay connected