Archives: Resources

  • Job Creation through Entrepreneurship

    October 19, 2010
    Is microenterprise development an effective job creation strategy during a recession? Key findings on women who entered employment, self-employment, providing…
  • Intuit 2020 Trends Report

    October 18, 2010
    With a new decade upon us, a range of demographic, economic, social, and technological shifts are changing the way we…
  • Capital Availability in Inner Cities

    October 18, 2010
    In this paper, we examine a key driver of business success—access to financial capital—and discuss current and potential roles of…
  • Business Relocation & Homegrown Jobs

    September 19, 2010
    Relocation accounts for a smaller share of job gains and losses in California than in most other states, in part…
  • Startups in Job Creation and Destruction

    July 19, 2010
    Without start-ups, there would be no net job growth in the U.S. economy. This fact is true on average, but…
  • Policy Priorities of Women Business Owners

    June 27, 2010
    On June 16, 2010, a summit of women business owners was held in Salem, Massachusetts, at the historic Hawthorne Hotel.…
  • Microenterprises in the Economy

    June 19, 2010
    A Senate Office of Research report concerning the microenterprise sector in California, the number of microenterprises in California, the number…
  • Policy Needs for Rural California

    February 20, 2010
    USDA Rural Development hosted forty-three forums across California and connected with almost 900 Californians from all reaches of the state,…
  • Women Entrepreneurs Worldwide

    January 20, 2010
    This Global Entrepreneurship Monitor report seeks to understand global differences in the frequency and nature of women’s entrepreneurship, and makes…
  • Growing Through Entrepreneurship

    December 20, 2009
    This IMPAQ evaluation of Project GATE addresses the following questions: Could Project GATE be replicated? Was Project GATE effective in…