Archives: Resources

  • The Regulatory Flexibility Act 2016

    January 19, 2017
    Fiscal year 2016 was a milestone in the Office of Advocacy’s history, signaling 40 years since the office’s founding. Today,…
  • The Immigrant Entrepreneur

    January 12, 2017
    The US SBA’s Office of Advocacy released “Explaining the Emergence of the Immigrant Entrepreneur.” This report found an explanation for…
  • Immigrants in California

    January 4, 2017
    PPIC published “Immigrants in California.” Our state is home to more than 10 million immigrants-about a quarter of the nation’s…
  • Expanding Small Loan Programs

    January 4, 2017
    During 2016, Opportunity Finance Network (OFN) convened an Employer-Based Small Dollar Loan Knowledge Network (Knowledge Network) of nine diverse mission-driven…
  • Business Ownership And The Racial Wealth Gap

    January 3, 2017
    African Americans & Latinos/as face high barriers to starting and growing businesses, including lower levels of financial assets. What steps…
  • Closing the Ever-Growing Gap

    January 2, 2017
    CFED released “Administrative Actions to Close the Ever-Growing Gap.” This document describes seven administrative policy proposals President Trump could take…
  • 2015 Nonemployer Firms Credit Survey

    December 20, 2016
    Small nonemployer businesses—those with no employees other than the firms’ owners—make up nearly 80% of all U.S. firms in number.…
  • The Economics of The Independent Workforce

    December 12, 2016
    This study, which was commissioned by Upwork, the world’s largest freelancing marketplace, places the IW in context by examining the…
  • Exploring Online and Offline Informal Work

    December 8, 2016
    The growing prevalence of alternative work arrangements has accelerated with the rapidly evolving digital platform transformations in local and global…
  • Philanthropy and the Future of Work

    November 3, 2016
    In a new paper, Philanthropy and the Future of Work: Dimensions of Change and Opportunities for Action, we address the challenges…