Listening to the Businesses of East LA

cover page of Needs, Strength, and Trust reportNeeds, Strengths, and Trust: Listening to the Businesses of East LA

Los Angeles Economic Equity Accelerator & Fellowship

First published December 2022

This report tracks results from the East LA Business Connector (EL ABC), an action research project that as of October 2022 has engaged over 650 local and small businesses in East Los Angeles to better understand and meet community needs. This is a continuing work of action research, with every hour of effort directed toward actually supporting local businesses, both by connecting them with resources in the short-term and by informing policy and practice to better support a business ecosystem that is thriving, dynamic, and inclusive.

The work was led by a team of 46 Cal State LA students and 12 staff, many with strong family connections to the East LA community.

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