California’s Nonprofit Sector 2019

cover page for this research reportCauses Count: The Economic Power of California’s Nonprofit Sector – New Findings 2019


First published February 2020

California’s nonprofits bring more than $40 billion into California each year from out-of-state sources, and one in every 14 California jobs is at a nonprofit. In addition to documenting and expanding economic data, two emerging stories jump out from this report:

  • California’s nonprofit sector continues to mirror substantial disparities — between northern and southern California, between rural and metropolitan regions, and between predominantly white communities and communities that are predominantly people of color. These disparities are growing wider.
  • California’s state, county, and city governments rely heavily on nonprofits to serve communities. For example: An estimated one-third of Medicare and Medi-Cal services are provided by nonprofits. This deep partnership between California’s nonprofits and government is crucial to the state, and offers opportunities for strengthening on all sides.
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