Access to Healthcare for Women-Owned Businesses

Access to Affordable Health Coverage for Women-Owned Businesses: A Summary of Key Issues and Policy Options

National Women’s Business Council

First published April 2003

The inability to secure affordable health care for employees is a critical and growing concern of many women business owners. It is estimated that 60% of the 41 million uninsured Americans reside in families with members employed by small businesses. Thus, an estimated 7.3 million of the uninsured are employees or families of employees of the 9.1 million women-owned firms in the U.S.

The National Women’s Business Council (NWBC) believes that a review of current research and other information can provide critical information for finding a solution to this critical problem. This review explores the ability or inability of women business owners and other small business owners to secure affordable health care. Also examined are associated costs and the extent of existing health care coverage for employees. In addition to reviewing the existing state of health care, this report analyzes alternative strategies and proposals that have been put forth to deal with the issues of health care cost and access.

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