2018 State of Nonprofit Cybersecurity

2018 State of Nonprofit Cybersecurity

Robert Hulshof-Schmidt, Nonprofit Technology Network

First published November 2018

In a world where news about cyber attacks and hackers regularly make the headlines, we knew it was necessary to better understand how nonprofit organizations were – or were not – managing security and privacy. NTEN and Microsoft surveyed more than 250 nonprofits across the US for the first State of Nonprofit Cybersecurity Report.

There are some bright spots in the findings, including 70% of respondents reporting they have backup policies, and over half have policies for risk, usage, and privacy. And there are many areas for further investment, including less than half of respondents reporting they have policies around cyber attacks and only 40% of respondents reporting they providing regular cybersecurity training for staff.

Our intention with this report is that you can benchmark where your organization is at against others, and start to identify priority areas for your investment and planning.

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