Resource Category: Rural

  • cover page of report Well-Being in Rural California 2023

    Well-Being in Rural California 2023

    June 29, 2023
    Well-Being in Rural California 2023 paints a picture of well-being and access to opportunity across race, place, and gender in rural…
  • Debunking Risk in Food System Lending

    December 19, 2022
    Food and agriculture-related businesses are often perceived as too risky for traditional lending approaches, yet CDFA research tells a different…
  • Bank Lending and the Financial Crisis

    May 5, 2020
    This report provides an analysis of how lending changed overall and in rural vs. urban areas before, during, and after…
  • Community Quality of Life Placemaking

    February 26, 2020
    Entrepreneurial ecosystem building is about growing an environment where entrepreneurial talent can be inspired and supported. More and better entrepreneurial…
  • Local Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Toolkit

    November 12, 2019
    Rural economic development strategies need to adjust to these new trends to include a place-based approach to rural economic development…
  • California Feudalism & The Middle Class

    October 14, 2018
    California Feudalism: The Squeeze on The Middle Class Chapman University, Center for Demographics and Policy First published October 2018 California…
  • The Retreat of the Rural Entrepreneur

    September 29, 2017
    The SBA issued The Retreat of the Rural Entrepreneur. In 1988, more than a fourth of the self-employed lived in…
  • Challenges of African-American Entrepreneurs

    July 5, 2017
    The report, entitled “Stuck From The Start: The Financial Challenges of Low- and Moderate-Income African-American Entrepreneurs in the South,” reflects interviews…
  • Determinants of Rural Self-Employment

    October 17, 2011
    The sustained surge in rural self-employment since 2000 has largely gone unnoticed by policymakers and rural economic developers. Here we…
  • Unauthorized Immigrants in CA

    July 17, 2011
    Unauthorized immigrants have been a part of many California industries and communities for decades, but recent and comprehensive information about…