Press Releases From A to Z

You have a new program, a new milestone, a report to issue, or breaking news that you want to announce to the community. You think to yourself, “It would be great if Joe Reporter covered our news and be great if we hit a couple of blogs.” Press releases are a tool of the trade for any organization with information to share.

This webinar goes through the nuts, bolts and best practices for writing press releases – when to issue a press release, how to create news, how to write a headline, which other elements to include, to whom to send, how to follow up, and more.

Watch and listen to the webinar (61 minutes)

Download the Powerpoint for Press Release Webinar, the Press Release webinar notes and a sample press release with lots of annotation.

Need more help? CAMEO’s Heidi Pickman is available to help you with your press release. Email her a word version of your press release. Please allow two to three business days for review.

About the Presenter

Heidi 1Heidi Pickman joined CAMEO in 2011 to develop and manage CAMEO’s communication and advocacy activities. Before joining CAMEO, she directed earned media activities for two California ballot initiatives and campaigned successfully to include clean energy provisions in the economic stimulus package of 2009. In her former career as a radio journalist, she produced national public radio programs including Weekend America and Marketplace Morning Report. She has a B.A. and M.A. in Economics from Tufts University and a C. Phil. in Economics from UCLA. She loves anything to do with Spain and dabbles in the fire arts.


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