Advocacy Toolkit

We list a number of resources to help you advocate for the latest policies and funding developments that support our work and make your advocacy efforts a little easier.


PolicyMap offers easy-to-use online mapping with data on demographics, real estate, health, jobs and more in communities across the US.

Resources from CAMEO

Lobbying – Just Do It (Legally)

Presents information on lobbying rules for charities and foundations. You can listen and download the PowerPoint (you may have to register).

Lobbying Guidelines for Public Charities

  • What is Lobbying?
  • Permissible Lobbying Activities
  • Electing the 501(h) Expenditure Test

Learn more about influencing policymakers through issue advocacy.

(Thanks to the Independent Sector for these resources.)


Other Advocacy Tools

Learn how you can rally supporters to your cause, plan a campaign, and raise money and awareness with this guide by Salsa Labs.

Making Your Voice Heard in The California State Legislature – A Guide to Participation” by Assemblymember Rob Bonta.

In a similar vein, the Half in Ten Campaign from the Center for American Progress has a great compilation and step by step guide on how to run an advocacy campaign. It’s geared to poverty, but starting on page 19 has steps that can apply to any campaign.