Small Business Financing Webinar Series

Small business lending is changing rapidly. OFN offered a webinar series focused on growth and innovation for small business lenders to help us understand and navigate through this new landscape. CAMEO followed each session with dynamic peer group calls to digest and apply what was learned.

Both CEOs and line staff can benefit from this rich training opportunity. We urge you to attend the series as well as the follow up calls with your fellow CAMEO CDFI lenders to digest the information so that you can apply it to your own organization.

Topics and dates are listed below:

  • February 11: Small Business Lending Landscape
  • March 3: Introduction to the Business Model Canvas
  • March 24: Building a Value Proposition
  • April 14: Customer Acquisition and Retention
  • May 5: Lending Life Cycle—Part One: Finding Existing Barriers to Loan Growth
  • May 26: Lending Life Cycle—Part Two: Lending Life Cycle and Technology
  • June 16: Talent Management

The webinars will be recorded to provide an on-demand library of resources to benefit mission-driven small business lenders across the country. This series is open to all CDFIs and mission-driven lenders. For more information and to register, visit the program webpage and click on “Webinar Series” on the right-hand side.

CAMEO Peer Calls are scheduled to follow the OFN webinars.  They will take place from 3:00-4:00pm.

These discussions are over, but we have saved Susan Brown’s notes/resources for your reference.