Monday Kiva Loans

Good afternoon!

Over the last week, both Christine’s and Simon’s loans were fully funded — thank you for your support! If you contributed to either campaign, you’ll start receiving payments on the 12th of next month as both entrepreneurs continue to develop their businesses and begin to repay their Kiva loans. You can either withdraw those funds, or devote them to other Kiva loans; many crowdfunders like to keep that money churning away throughout the system, with each new loan being supported by repayments from earlier borrowers.

Calvin and Carlos are still raising funds, and with only a week to go before his funding window closes, Calvin in particular is in need of a boost. They’re joined this week by Nancy, who is working the PACE to fund her jelly business, Viola’s Gourmet Goodies.

Calvin – Pacific Asian Consortium in Employment

Calvin - PACE

A loan of $9,600 helps Calvin to hire two part-time editors and two sales reps; also upgrade the desktop computer he uses to produce the magazine and obtain up-to-date software.

Calvin was born and raised in the city of Los Angeles. He started working at the age of 14 with the Los Angeles Times newspaper company as a paperboy. Calvin said, “My childhood life consisted of school, sports and working my paper route for the Los Angeles Times, which is a local newspaper in the greater Los Angeles area.” As a child, Calvin always dreamed of owning his own newspaper/magazine. (Read more…)

Posted 6/29/13

Carlos – Working Solutions

Carlos - Working Solutions

A loan of $6,725 helps Carlos to purchase equipment for his shopping cart maintenance business.

“There are so many opportunities in America,” says Carlos. In 2010, Carlos moved from Peru to the United States with nothing but a piece of luggage and dreams to better his life. He came to America to study mechanics but could not find a job in his field and began working in a grocery store. (Read more…)

Posted 7/3/13

Nancy – Pacific Asian Consortium in Employment

Nancy - PACEA loan of $6,500 helps Nancy to purchase the material to manufacture her jellies.

Nancy’s grandma was a very good gourmet chef in Los Angeles and, by growing up with her, Nancy inherited her spirit to make gourmet food. For years, she always cooked gourmet food to treat her friends at home as a hobby. She was a primary school teacher, but her dream of making her gourmet food available for more people was always in her mind. She could not pursue her idea, however, because she had to take care of her grandmother and her mother. (Read more…)

Posted 7/21/13