Jatinder Mann, Tranquility Market

Thanks to Fresno CDFI for this story!

jatindermanntranquilitymarketTranquility Market is a neighborhood grocery in Tranquility, a rural town West of Fresno with less than 1,000 people. The store serves the surrounding towns and farms with meat, produce, household products, and other groceries. It has been a great benefit by providing access to fresh foods and allowing residents to save on gas by not having to drive to other towns to shop.

A loan from Fresno CDFI in 2014 helped Jatinder Mann purchase the store that he had been leasing for the previous nine years. He now pays the same monthly cost to buy the property that he was once paying his landlord. Jatinderโ€™s ownership of the property ensures that Tranquility Market will be a permanent fixture in the town for many years to come and he is already working on expansion plans to build a kitchen to serve hot meals.