DBO Expansion Hearing: We Need You to Testify

CAMEO has been working on responsible business lending policy with our colleagues at the RBLC and now is the time for you to step in to stop predatory lending to our small businesses.

On Thursday, August 6, 2020 at 8:30am PT, the Assembly Banking and Budget Committees will hold a joint hearing on the DBO Expansion.  This would create a CFPB-like entity that would protect consumers and with some clarifying amendments would protect small businesses.

We need a good showing of small business champions so that any opposition (the companies who don’t want to play nice) is drowned out.

It’s easy to participate with our script and instructions to access the hearing.


Go to:


  • You’ll see the Assembly Banking and Budget 6 Meeting with a link to the hearing so you can watch it on your computer if you want.
  • Call the following toll-free number: 1-877-692-8957 / Access Code: 24 26 237. Call-in EARLY. You will be on hold and muted.
  • When it’s time for public comment someone behind the curtain will be opening up people’s phone lines.
  • When it’s your turn ‘the person’ will cue you.
  • It’s a little weird (expect that) but they walk you through it. It is random on how they call you.
  • If you are on a computer AND phone make sure to mute your computer before you talk.
  • You can hang up when done. 


Keep it short! Feel free to put it how you’d like. We’ve bolded the stuff you must say.

My name is xx from ORGNAME. We do ONEQUICKPHRASE.  (not your whole service package… e.g. no longer than “we are a community lender that provides microloans to small businesses”)

Consumers and small businesses have never been more vulnerable to predatory lending practices. Our communities can’t wait another year. 

NY and US Congress recently followed California’s legacy on small business protections and passed legislation. Now is the time to continue our leadership.

We urge you to ensure that the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation covers small business fully and explicitly in the trailer bill.