Take Our COVID-19 Response Survey | Friday Policy Update and Q&A

In this Must Know…

COVID-19 Survey

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It’s been about six weeks. We’ve been hearing stories of the many great things that our members have been doing in response to this crisis.

Please take a few moments to take our COVID-19 survey and let us know how you are contributing to the well-being of your community. We want to be able to share our collective impact with funders, policymakers, and other stakeholders.

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Friday Policy Update and Q&A

To respect everyone’s time, we’ve partnered with Small Business Majority for a weekly policy update for a half-hour TOMORROW at 10:00am to be followed at 10:30am by a Q&A with Mark Herbert and Mark Quinn

Note there are two different links. We’re experimenting with the format and if it doesn’t work, we’ll go back to the Friday at 1:00pm timeslot. 

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Helping Small Farms During COVID-19

Join us May 7, 2020 at 3:00pm PDT for “How Farm Businesses are Pivoting during COVID-19: Resources for Advisors Assisting Small Farms.”

Stepheni Norton, owner of a small plot urban farm in San Diego South Bay and expert advisor to small farms, will offer important business resources that are key to helping small farms during these unprecedented times. This session is intended for TA providers, consultants, and advisors to small farms.

The Goodies

Webinars & Trainings

New Research

Funding Opportunities

Other Goodies

  • Take Action: The CDFI Coalition is sponsoring a sign-on letter to the House and Senate leadership in support of $1 billion in additional appropriations for the CDFI Fund.
  • Jobs: The Bay Area Regional Health Inequities Initiative, FHL Bank of San Francisco, and MEDA announced new jobs recently. See who else is hiring!