Small Biz Aiding the Vaccine Effort | Welcome New CAMEO Members

In this Must Know… 

Small Businesses Aiding the Vaccine Effort

Small businesses continue to struggle through this pandemic. With nearly 20% of the US adult population being employed by a small business, the recovery of this sector is crucial to the recovery of the economy at large.

A new survey by Reimagine Main Street in partnership with the U.S. Black Chambers and the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce shows that small business owners are aware of the importance of the COVID-19 vaccine in the recovery efforts and are willing to work with public health officials to incentivize vaccination among their employees.

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Some takeaways from the survey:

  • The majority of small employers (64%) believe it is important for their employees to get vaccinated.
  • The majority (63%) of small business owners are willing to encourage or incentivize their employees to get vaccinated, with AAPI and Black employers being the most willing to do so.
  • More than half of employers are eager to work with public health officials or other trusted partners to receive guidance about the vaccines.

CAMEO is participating in getting the word out. Reimagine Wall Street has tip sheets in multiple languages specifically targeted to different demographics, to help small businesses lead in the vaccine effort.

Logos for the four new member organizations.

Welcome New Members!

The CAMEO network keeps growing all the time. During the first quarter of 2021, we welcomed four new members to our ranks. You can learn more about them below:

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Staff Anniversaries

Three of our staff members are celebrating work anniversaries in May! Congratulations to:

  • Heidi Pickman, our VP of Programs and Policy, for 10 years with CAMEO
  • Emily Gasner, our VP of Strategic Initiatives and Operations, for 2 years with CAMEO and a former board member
  • Susan Brown, our VP of Training, for 1 year as full-time staff and a valuable team member as a consultant for about 12 years

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