Give the Gift of CAMEO; January Webinar and MORE!

LOTS going on as we tie up 2016 and get ready for 2017.

  • Give the Gift of CAMEO Membership
  • The Gig Economy and The New Era Workforce, A CALED Webinar
  • Federal Budget Update
  • Members in the News
  • Register early for our annual MicroLenders ForumFebruary 1, 2017 in San Francisco.
  • The Goodies – This week’s highlight is that applications are being accepted for OFN’s Opportunity Fellows Program with a due date of December 23, 2016.

Give the Gift of CAMEO Membership

CAMEO is a dynamic network of organizations and individuals that support businesses that create local jobs, build wealth, and grow California’s economy through microbusiness development.

Renew your membership/join us and gift your organization a year of training, advocacy and connections.

In 2017, we will bring you more exciting programs and resources. We start off the ear with a bang and two major events: The New Era Workforce, Self-employed Entrepreneurs and the MicroLenders Forum. We have a new program and partnership working with Youth Business USA and onboarding their clients onto the Thumbtack platform. This year we deliver our Go-to-Market training to specialty food producers in Fresno. And of course we will persist in our tireless advocacy for government and corporate support. We’re at a pivotal time and advocacy has never been more important.

Take advantage of everything we offer. In addition to high quality programs, your membership dues easily pay for themselves with free group trainings, individual training opportunities, member meetings and the priceless intangible benefits of collaboration and support.

The Gig Economy and The New Era Workforce, A CALED Webinar

Today, the number of small business is growing exponentially – and it’s not because typical small businesses are opening more doors. It’s because of the growing numbers of self-employed. The challenge is to help small business owners manage their multiple income streams so that they can survive and thrive and achieve viable incomes – and ultimately create wealth.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017
1:00-2:00pm PST

Join us for a discussion about the gig economy, the new era workforce of self-employed entrepreneurs and how our field can ensure success.

  • Explore the data, trends, and opportunities with new research by the Federal Reserve Board.
  • Understand The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Coaching, Capital, Connection to Markets, Climate – What are some of the solutions being implemented right now to create opportunity for all in the gig economy?
  • What are some of the solutions of the future and what do economic developers need to know?

Federal Budget Update

The plan to continue government funding through April 28, 2017 was released earlier this week. Here’s what the bill does:

  • Extends existing funding;
  • Reduces current funding levels 0.19% across the board;
  • Adds relief for Flint and Louisiana flood victims;
  • Bypass a restriction that would prevent General James Mattis, whom President-Elect Trump intends to nominate for Secretary of Defense, from serving as Secretary of Defense.

Several House Democrats are concerned by the Mattis waiver and are indicating they may vote against the legislation. Democratic support is critical, given that Republicans have struggled to pass spending bills without Democrats. Our team in DC, Madison Services Group, is reviewing the Continuing Resolution for provisions that impact our work. The bill does allow SBA to lend the full annual amount allocated for 7(a) loans, currently $26.5 billion, during the 5 months if needed.

The House is expected to vote on the bill today, with the Senate following on Friday. We will of course let you know the results next week.

Members in the News

Kudos to all of our members and partners who are in the news this week!

Opportunity Fund loaned more than $60 Million in 2016.

Financial technology is dramatically changing the way Americans transact, save, and borrow. At the same time, millions of Americans are unbanked, and turn to fringe financial services. This week, six nonprofits launched the Nonprofit Leaders in Financial Technology (nLIFT) to ensure all Americans are included in our financial system.

Small Business Majority has a new poll on small business owners’ views on the rising costs of prescription drugs and its effect on their businesses. The poll found that an overwhelming majority (88%) of small business owners who provide health insurance benefits to employees believe prescription drug costs are too high. These small employers find themselves struggling to afford prescription drug costs and believe that these costs are burdensome to small businesses, and they support a variety of proposals to reform the drug market.

The Goodies

New opportunities for training, conference information, funding, scholarships, and other information that have crossed our desks since the last Must Know. I have posted a running tab of current Industry Goodies on the CAMEO website that lists items that were in past emails. Check it out to make sure you’re not missing anything, like grants whose deadlines are still alive!

Local Gift Guides: If you have put together a gift guide of your clients, please email me with the link and I’ll disseminate it far and wide. For some inspiration, check out gift guides from Main Street Launch and Accion San Diego’s guides (Imperial County, Riverside County, San Diego County, and San Bernardino County.)

Help a Member Out: Working Solutions is up for a Yelp Grant in the Bay Area. They are competing with two other Bay Area non-profits, none of them in the small business space. Help them get over the top by voting everyday from now until December 9, 2016.

For Your Clients: Join Go-Biz for California Competes Tax Credit Workshops throughout the state during November and December. Webinars are also available. Each 45 minute workshop/webinar includes an overview of the program, program goals and evaluation criteria, and step-by-step instructions through the application process. All businesses are encouraged to attend. The online application can be accessed starting January 2, 2017.

Professional Development: Applications are being accepted for OFN’s Opportunity Fellows Program. The program will train a diverse cohort of CDFI leaders to create transformational change and address inequities in access to capital in underserved communities. The due date to apply for the 2017 cohort is December 23, 2016.

Federal Reserve Micro Study: They need your help in distributing an important national survey of small business credit to your loan applicants and business assistance clients. When you register (click on the link), The Federal Reserve System will then send you the communications tools you’ll need to invite small businesses to participate. The survey has an extended deadline and will be open now through December, so sign up, get the toolkit and communicate with your clients.

For Your Clients: Participate in LendingTree’s $50,000 Small Business Grant Contest. Eligible entries will be judged by a panel of Sponsor executives or judges who will select the winners on the basis of originality and creativity. For more information and eligibility requirements click on the link. The deadline is January 13, 2017.

Women’s Business Center Comments: The US SBA is seeking comments on this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) regarding the Women’s Business Center (WBC) Program. The deadline for comments is January 23, 2017.

Funding Opportunity: The Local Crowd pleased to announce an opportunity for up to 10 U.S. rural communities to become Demonstration Sites that use crowdfunding as an economic development tool. This will be the fourth and final RFP to become a demonstration site. Local economic development organizations are invited to respond to the Request For Proposals. These responders may be local or regional economic development groups, SBDCs, chambers of commerce, Main Street programs or other organizations. Deadline to respond is February 1, 2017.

Funding Opportunity: Opportunity Fund recently launched its Community Partner Program. The program can supplement the missions and programs of other non-profits by serving as a microloan program for those who do not have one and complementing the services of those who do. Partners receive several benefits, including an in-depth look at the credit and underwriting criteria and a 5% commission on every qualified referral booked for loans between $5,000 and $50,000. If you have questions or are interested, please contact Robert Zapata by email or phone 323.506.3529.

microTracker Relaunches: FIELD at the Aspen Institute is thrilled to announce the new, their nationwide database on US microenterprise development organizations. MicroTracker gives you the ability to explore, analyze, and compare data on microenterprise programs across the country. The new site is updated to give flexibility, better navigation, and more ability for downloading analysis.

For Your Clients (and all trainers!): NerdWallet recently released a special report on the merchant cash advance industry and a new MCA educational portal.