Do Your Clients Have Crowdfunding Potential? | Policy of Food Business

In this Must Know…

Do Your Clients Have Crowdfunding Potential?

Last November, our Third Thursday Webinar covered crowdfunding as a capital-raising process for small businesses and entrepreneurs. If you missed it, you can watch the recording here.

Members who attended the webinar were given access to Crowdfund Better’s 3-Step Rapid Assessment program which includes evaluation and feedback on their clients’ crowdfunding potential. We have a handful of slots still open for members. If you have clients who could benefit from crowdfunding, please contact Heidi to learn more.

cooking up success webinar series

Policy of Food Business

Join us on February 20, 2020 at 12:00pm PST for the third and final webinar of our “Cooking Up Success” series, “Ensuring a Fertile Regulatory Environment for Food Business.”

Local policies on everything from zoning and land use to licensing and permitting, create the climate that can either support or hinder small business economic growth. Find out what advocates and governments can do to ease the burden on food entrepreneurs and foster start-ups and growth.

2020 MicroLenders Forum

Join us on March 11, 2020 for the 2020 MicroLenders Forum at the Google Community Space in San Francisco. The Forum is one of our favorite events of the year where we bring our lenders together to network, get ideas, and build capacity. 

We’re excited to announce the two trainings we’ll be offering for staff attendees in the afternoon:

  • P&L Statements with Susan Brown
  • SEO for CDFIs with CNote’s Mike Ivancie

The Goodies

For Your Clients

New Reports

Professional Opportunities

Other Goodies

  • Policy News: Governor Gavin Newsom submitted his proposed 2020-21 budget. Read about it on our latest blog post.
  • LISC, Pacific Community Ventures, and Los Angeles Food Policy Council announced new jobs recently. See who else is hiring!​​