Our hearts and thoughts go out to everyone who is affected by wildfires across the state. Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees lists organizations and funds that are rebuilding Northern California. If residents need help they can visit:
- FEMA Application for Disaster Relief
- California Assistance and Services for Disaster Recovery
- Benefits.gov Disaster Relief Resource
In this Must Know…
- Comment on SBA Regulations
- Ms. CAMEO Goes to DC
- Microlenders and loan packagers, join us for Microlending Essentials on November 7-9, 2017 in Los Angeles.
- The Goodies – This week’s highlight is to celebrate National Women’s Small Business Month and Hispanic Heritage Month by reading Hispanic Women Entrepreneurship: Understanding Diversity Among Hispanic Women Entrepreneurs.
Comment on SBA Regulations
On August 15, 2017, the SBA published a request for information in the Federal Register seeking input from the public on identifying which of the Agency’s regulations should be repealed, replaced or modified because they are obsolete, unnecessary, ineffective, or burdensome. That request established a 60-day comment period closing on October 16, 2017. SBA is extending the public comment period for 30 days, until November 15, 2017.
CAMEO submitted a comment to get rid of the 25/75 rules for the Microloan TA program. Feel free to use as a basis for your comment. Make yourself heard – it’s easy!
Ms. CAMEO Goes to DC
Shufina and I will be in DC on Wednesday and Thursday to extol the micro message. On Wednesday, we’re meeting with members of the Congressional delegation and on Thursday we are co-hosting a legislative briefing with Intuit. If you’re in DC on October 26, join us at 121 Cannon at 10:00am!
Over 1/3 of the labor market participates in the new era workforce-as an independent worker or as self-employed business owners- but operates under institutions that are designed for the job market of the 1960s. For both the meetings and the briefing, we’ll talk about the landscape of the gig economy, what tax policy changes need to occur to accommodate this growing part of our labor force, and other system changes that are needed to deal with the new labor market reality, such as job benefits, entrepreneurial education, and access to capital.
A big thanks to Intuit’s Tax and Financial Center and Melissa Netram for their support in organizing the briefing, House Small Business Chair Representative Steve Chabot for sponsoring the room, and the entire Madison Services Group team for helping with our advocacy efforts.
To help us get our message across, we’re reading ASBC’s “Step Up, Speak Out, Impact Policy: An Advocacy Guide for Responsible Business Leaders.”
The Goodies
New opportunities for training, conference information, funding, scholarships, and other information that have crossed our desks since the last Must Know. I have posted a running tab of current Industry Goodies on the CAMEO website that lists items that were in past emails. Check it out to make sure you’re not missing anything, like grants whose deadlines are still alive!
CAMEO Tool: Susan Brown, our microlending expert, created Phase I of a Community Loan Policy Manual Workbook to assist community lenders to create fully developed loan policies manual. Lenders of every stripe that address each topic and answer all the questions will have a complete loan manual that reflects a comprehensive approach to the details of running a high-quality program.
Free Webinar: Join Aspen’s Field program for “Microloan Portfolio Management with Leslie Hoffman and Barbara Eckblad” on Thursday, October 26, 2017 at 10:00-11:15am PT // 1:00-2:15 pm ET.
Professional Meeting: Registration is now open for CRC Member Meetings. Connect with colleagues about experiences in the field and to share updates on CRC campaigns and recent policy changes that impact communities. Lunch will be provided and registration is now open. If you have any questions, please contact Liana Molina.
- Register for Los Angeles Member Meeting: Thursday October 26, 2017
- Register for Sacramento Member Meeting: Tuesday, November 14, 2017
For Your Clients: The California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and Small Business Majority Access are presenting an access to capital webinar in Spanish on October 24, November 21, and December 14 at 10:00am PT // 1:00pm ET. Click the links for registration and information in Spanish.
Economic Policy Event: Join UC-Riverside School of Business Center for Economic Forecasting & Development for “Re-imagining Economic Growth in the Inland Empire” on October 25, 2017from 12:00-4:00pm. CAMEO members receive a $25 discount with the code “cameo17.”
Industry Conference: OFN will hold the 2017 Western Regional Meeting Wednesday, November 1 in San Francisco at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
Industry Conference: Join Bay Area funders, nonprofits, public agencies, and policymakers on November 2, 2017 in Oakland for a day of ideas, information-sharing and connecting with other innovators in the asset building field. Register for 2017 Assets Matter Symposium. CAMEO will be speaking about the New Era Workforce.
New Toolkit: Credit Builders Alliance has developed a new toolkit that provides a primer on the importance of credit building to establish businesses as financial assets for returning citizens, followed by a comprehensive and dynamic set of tools and resources to help practitioners work one-on-one with their clients to build credit in pursuit of their entrepreneurial goals. Download the executive summary – Achieving Credit Strength: A Toolkit for Supporting Returning Citizen Entrepreneurs.
Communications Tool: Wired Impact’s The Beginner’s Guide to Nonprofit Website Content.