In this Must Know…
- Advocacy Update
- “Nuts and Bolts of SBA Disaster and Economic Injury Loans” TODAY at 4:00pm PDT.
- Join us TOMORROW at 12:00pm PDT for CAMEO Member Office Hours.
- Take Your TA Online 5-Week Course
- This week’s Goodie highlight is our COVID-19 Resource Page with even more resources!
Advocacy Update
At 10:30pm Pacific / 1:30am Eastern, the Federal government struck a $2 trillion deal on the third bill to respond to COVID-19* – the largest aid deal ever in our history (you can find a summary here). The goal is to help businesses of all sizes. We will be parsing out the bill and posting on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages.
We’ve also been in constant communication at the state level. We will keep you informed of any movement on both levels. If you have suggestions please email Heidi.
*The second bill was H.R.6201 – Families First Coronavirus Response Act; it provides sick leave and unemployment resources to businesses.
CAMEO Member Office Hours

Based on feedback from our first listening session last week, we are hosting a weekly “CAMEO Member Office Hours” to talk about how your response to the pandemic is changing from week to week.
Join us TOMORROW, March 26, 2020 at 12:00pm PDT.
We’ll start with a quick advocacy update and move into a discussion about strategies, challenges, and needs.
Take Your TA Online

With today’s reality of social distancing, one of the best ways to support small businesses is by moving technical assistance online. Join “Take Your TA Training Online,” a 5-session online course starting Thursday, April 2, 2020.
You must be a CAMEO member to participate. The list is already half full, so please sign up only if you are committed to the program.
The Goodies
COVID-19 Resources
- SBA announced it will automatically defer existing SBA disaster loans through December 31, 2020.
- SBA microlenders may defer their SBA Microloan obligations up to six months but they need to request it and the maturity date doesn’t change. So you have a choice between deferring payments and higher future payments or continuing to repay on your capital. Send an email to your SBA representative “Please defer my SBA Loan [Loan #] for [# of Months].
- Join CalNonprofits on March 26, 2020 at 11:00am PDT for a live conversation with state lawmakers on what they are doing to meet nonprofits’ needs during this difficult time.
- Join Small Business Roundtable on March 27, 2020 at 11:00am PDT for a live web event with SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza on COVID-19’s economic impacts and the SBA’s targeted relief efforts for the nation’s small businesses.