Uplift Capital Inc

Uplift Capital Inc

940 Bluegrass Lane
Los Angeles, CA 90049

Phone: 9163357971

Website: www.upliftcapitalinc.com/

Services: Business Plan Training, Counseling, Mentoring/Consulting, Peer Networks, Topical Workshops

Clients: Ethnic Minorities, Immigrants, Low-Income Clients, Micro-enterprise programs, Non-profit organizations, People with Disabilities, Small business owners, Veterans, Welfare Recipients, Women, Youth

Microlender: No

Reach: Statewide

We?re a non-profit organization, serving the Los Angeles and Orange County area that helps small business owners with limited access to capital have a chance to live their dreams. We provide small business loans, technical assistance and educational programs for underprivileged communities, startups, and entrepreneurs. Uplift Capital Inc foresees a future where individuals from all walks of life are empowered to strengthen their local community through entrepreneurship.