White House Events for SmBiz Week

The White House is hosting two events on Wednesday, May 23 to celebrate National Small Business Week

White House Hangout featuring SBA Administrator Karen Mills

Wednesday, May 23 @ 12:00 pm PDT // 3:00pm EDT
Watch on WhiteHouse.gov/live, the White House Google+ page, or at Entrepreneur.com
Ask questions and join the discussion on Twitter with the hashtag #WHHangout.

Budget Update Call

Wednesday, May 23 @ 1:00 pm PDT // 4:00pm EDT
Robert Gordon, Executive Associate Director at the Office of Management and Budget will represent the administration.
Please RSVP to join the call, and please be sure to dial in 10 minutes early so that we are able to start the call on time. Here are the details:
Dial In: (800) 230-1951
Passcode Title: White House Update Call
Note: This call is off the record and not for press purposes.