Luz Orozco, Qi Hair Salon

Thanks to the Inland Empire SBDC for this story!

luzorozcoqihairsalonThe Inland Empire SBDC successfully assisted Luz Orozco in a step-by-step process to start her business, and open Qi Hair Salon.

Luz Orozco was attending the Inland Empire SBDC’s workshop “How To Start Your Business” in October 2012 in preparation to start her own hair salon. Al Gohary of the Inland Empire SBDC was teaching the workshop, and Luz had many questions regarding her lease, and complications with the permits with the city, she also needed information on how to create a business plan, how to project the cash flow, how to start her business, and how to get funded. Al Gohary answered the questions regarding the lease and the permits, and advised Luz to come and meet with him in the Inland Empire SBDC office to work together on the business plan and financials.

Al Gohary, business consultant with the Inland Empire SBDC, worked with Luz to develop her business plan and financial projections. Al also advised her on how to deal with the landlord permits situation, and also explained the options of equity financing from friends and family.

Qi Hair salon opened in June, 2013 in Moreno Valley, and is currently seeking to hire their sixth employee.

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