Communications Resources

Talking points and other resources to help you stay on message and ensure your communications success

Communicating Well

Communicating well is crucial to success. You can do great work, but if you can’t get your message across in an effective and efficient way, then no one will know about all the great work that you do.

The current political climate means never been more important for us to be able to tell our story and tell it well.

It used to be that to get your message through you needed to repeat it three times. Today, if you want someone to hear you above the noise from the information overload from the 24-hour news cycle and the internet, you need to repeat your message 20 times. And that means staying on message every time.

This page will link to talking points and other resources to ensure your communications success and will evolve as the need arises.

Talking Points

Microloan Technical Assistance vs PRIME
Why Micro
Technical Assistance Is Key
California Microbusiness Means Business
California Microbusiness and Latinos

Micro Enterprise in Brief (power point slide to include in your presentations)

Other talking points are included in our frequent press statements.

Storytelling Resources

Find Your Legislators

Prosperity Now’s Advocacy Center is a one-stop-shop for advocacy and research, including a tool that lets you know which committees your legislators serve on, their top issues, and recent legislation they’ve pushed.

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