State Policy Updates | Take Action: Farm Bill

In this Must Know…

State Policy Updates

California lawmakers approved a $297.5 billion state budget for 2024-25 and 2025-26 fiscal years. Earlier this month, legislators in both chambers rejected cuts to California’s Small Business Technical Assistance Program and re-instated the program’s budget.

The budget, which maintains the TAP funding, was signed by Gov. Newsom yesterday. Thank you to everyone in our network who made calls, sent emails, submitted letters, and spoke directly with legislative offices to stress the importance of this program and make sure it remains fully funded.

Also in state news, SB 1103 (Commercial Tenant Protections Act – Menjivar) passed Assembly Judiciary and goes to the floor in October. On Monday, CBS LA aired a story on the bill and how it would help vulnerable small business owners facing high and unexpected fees.

Take Action: Farm Bill

While it’s good news that Congress is finally working on a new Farm Bill, the House Agriculture Committee has put forward a draft bill that negatively impacts food and farm workers, hungry families, and our climate.

Contact your members of Congress to urge them to pass a bill that mirrors the proposal in the Rural Prosperity and Food Security Act, including investment for BIPOC producers, expansion of urban agriculture, investments in local and regional food programs, and more.

Microlending Essentials: September 2024

Book your tickets now for Microlending Essentials on September 9-13, 2024. It does sell out!

Microlending Essentials is one of CAMEO Network’s most sought after trainings, where CDFIs and mission-based lenders will learn the fundamental skills for consistent, quality microloan underwriting. This introductory training covers multiple analyses: global cash, credit history, debt-to-income, and bank statements. Participants also underwrite and write credit memos for two actual microloan applications.

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