Creating an Economy Built to Last

Creating-an-Economy-Built-to-LastMoving America’s Small Businesses & Entrepreneurs Forward: Creating an Economy Built to Last

National Economic Council

First published May 2012

From Main Street shops to high-tech startups, America’s small businesses and entrepreneurs are the engine of our economy and one of our country’s greatest assets. Over the last two decades, small and new businesses have been responsible for creating 2 out of every 3 net new jobs, and today the country’s 28 million small firms employ 60 million Americans, half of the private sector workforce. When America’s small businesses are strong and growing, our communities are strong and growing. President Obama understands that to create an economy built to last—one that ensures millions of hard working Americans have the opportunity to achieve the American Dream—we must make sure that every entrepreneur and small business in America has the tools they need to grow.

To move forward we must continue to make smart investments in small business. As part of the President’s “Congress To-Do List”, at this make-or-break moment for the middle class, we can act right now to help hard working small business owners create jobs by giving them a tax credit for new hires and a tax deduction for new investments. His business tax reform plan would make tax filing simpler for small businesses and entrepreneurs so that they can focus on growing their businesses rather than filling out tax returns.

from the Introduction

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