2013 Independent Business Survey

2013 Independent Business Survey

Stacy Mitchel, Institute for Local Self Reliance

First published February 2013

Thanks to Scott Hauge for passing along the work of Institute for Local Self Reliance (ILSR)

Survey finds Independent Businesses Benefit from “Buy Local First” Campaigns, but challenges loom. ILSR’s annual survey has found that independent businesses experienced solid revenue growth in 2012, buoyed in part by “buy local first” initiatives. But the survey also documented challenges facing independent businesses, most notably an increase in “showrooming” and competition from online retailers, tax and subsidy policies that favor their big competitors, difficulty obtaining loans, and a customer base still reeling from the recession.

Locally owned businesses can help communities thrive. Cities where small, locally owned businesses account for a relatively large share of the economy, have stronger social networks, more engaged citizens, and better success solving problems, according to several recently published studies.

Summaries and links to key studies that examine the impact of large retail chains and the benefits of locally owned businesses.

Why We Can’t Shop Our Way to a Better Economy: Stacy Mitchell’s TEDx Talk.

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