Workforce Mental Health Playbook; AB 2314 Passes Assembly

We want to honor the victims and survivors of the violence of Buffalo and Uvalde, the two-year anniversary of George Floyd’s murder, and the other tragedies happening around the globe. The world seems heavy right now. I recently visited the MLK Memorial in DC and found some solace in the Doctor’s quote: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” So, let’s be the light.

In This Must Know…

Workforce Mental Health Playbook

The world’s collective trauma over the pandemic and the devisiveness in our national conversation has hurt mental health. An overwhelming majority of employers acknowledge that workplace mental health must be a priority for the well-being of their workers and for the health of their business.

In honor of Mental Health Month, our colleagues at Health Action Alliance launched a brand new Workplace Mental Health Playbook, a comprehensive guide to help organizations meet today’s unique workplace mental health challenges.

AB 2314 Passes Assembly

We are excited to announce that our bill to advance responsible small business lending passed the California Assembly this week! The next step is the Senate.

Thanks to all of you who have submitted letters of support! The more the merrier, download a template letter of support for AB 2314 and submit through the legislative portal!

Trust & Access To Capital

Reimagine Main Street asked more than 2,500 small business owners about confidence in their ability to fund common business needs and measured their trust in various sources of capital. Here are some highlighted findings:

  • Most entrepreneurs of color lack confidence to fund an unexpected $5,000 business expense or finance a contract or purchase order
  • Few respondents are aware of CDFIs or FinTech lenders
  • Most respondents know and trust the SBA

Read more about the survey in our blog post “Trust & Access To Capital.”

The Goodies

Industry News

Grant Opportunities

Professional Development & New Resources

Other Goodies

  • Jobs: WEV LISC, PCV, PACE, Norcal VBOC, Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center, and Working Solutions announced new jobs recently. See who else is hiring!