Black Women Business Startups; CA Relief Grant Wrap Up

Black Women Business Startups

According to the US Census from 2002-12, the number of businesses owned by black women increased 179 percent compared with 52 percent for all women-owned businesses and 20 percent for all businesses. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City issued a report entitled “Black Women Business Startups” on the results from five focus groups held in 2017 with 34 black women who own businesses in Kansas City, Oklahoma City, Wichita, Omaha, and Denver. During these groups, four questions were asked to determine motivations, challenges, and other characteristics of black women business owners. 
The highlights of the conversations are in our blog post “Black Women Business Startups.”

California Relief Grant

Our cohort of 17 CAMEO members assisted more than 4,600 applicants with over 2,400 hours of assistance for the California Relief Grant. Additionally, 406 applications were submitted on behalf of applicants. CAMEO fielded approximately 14,000 emails, answering questions and routing them to the appropriate partner.

Read more about the great work our cohort did on our blog post “CAMEO’s California Relief Grant Cohort Rocked It.”

CAMEO Census 2021 Raffle Winner

We are excited to announce our 2021 CAMEO Census Raffle Winner, MCS BSC. They won artisanal caramels to share with their team from Le Caramels in San Diego. You can see the raffle drawing in our video.

Everyone who filled out their survey by October 6th received $100 off for their membership for next year.

Also, please fill out the survey if you haven’t done so yet!

The Goodies

Grant Opportunity

  • New Profit extended its grant deadline for Economic Mobility until November 16, 2021.

Free Webinars

New Resources

Other Goodies