Ken Granderson and Dale Dowdie, Black Facts

Thanks to Kathleen Minogue, Founder and CEO of Crowdfund Better for this story. is the longest-running data-driven repository of Black history on the internet. was created in 1997 by Ken Granderson and Dale Dowdie, two black technologists, who saw there wasn’t a place to get facts about African-Americans online, so they built a place for Black communities to be in control of their narratives. A labor of love for over 25 years, Ken and Dale nurtured this site with no outside investment – no big team, no big venture capital dollars.

In 2018, when they realized that no one else had built anything like it, Ken and Dale reengineered and upgraded its content including the addition of over 400 Black History videos. Most recently, they were selected as grantees of the JLH Social Impact Fund (created by NBA All-Star Jrue Holiday and World Cup Soccer Champion Lauren Holiday) and have launched a crowdfunding campaign under the guidance of CAMEO member Crowdfund Better (link) in partnership with the FundBlackFounders crowdfunding platform.‘s crowdfunding goal is to raise $50k in non-dilutive capital to empower them to fulfill their greater vision for the company including creating diversity tech solutions for schools & diversity-friendly companies – and to help nurture the next generation of Black technologists who will continue to create, control and own the technology stack for the site. 
You can find out more about Ken & Dale and here: