Community Quality of Life Placemaking

Cover page of this research reportCommunity Quality of Life Placemaking: An Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Design Element

E2 Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

First published February 2020

Entrepreneurial ecosystem building is about growing an environment where entrepreneurial talent can be inspired and supported. More and better entrepreneurial ventures are outcomes of strong community-based entrepreneurial ecosystems. Example from a rural community situated on public lands:

• Civic entrepreneurship–Capitalizing on public lands and development of public sector amenities that open these lands to recreational and experiential tourism activities

• Business entrepreneurship and a gathering space for entrepreneurial talent–A local coffee shop with unique food items that becomes a gathering spot and networking space for visitors to the community, residents and entrepreneurs

• A growth venture focused on guide services tied to a community’s public lands. This venture not only helps visitors with better experiences but can become a hub for guide and tour services for other public lands within the larger region. This venture becomes a small corporate headquarters creating jobs in a wide range of careers (e.g., accounting, marketing, communications, human relations, support, logistics and executive officers). This is a growth venture with deeper and broader socio-economic footprints.

• A vibrant downtown redeveloped by a nonprofit main street program full of retail and service ventures. At the center of this downtown is a nonprofit community center (run by the area chamber of commerce) that provides networking services to visitors.

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