Take Action: Recess Alert November 2019

From our friends at Madison Services Group:

Why YOU Need to Be An Advocate

CAMEO works to grow a healthy, vibrant, thriving environment for all entrepreneurs and start-up businesses every day. On Capitol Hill and in the Administration, CAMEO is active in promoting our vision of economic opportunity for all entrepreneurs. But any successful advocacy effort also includes direct communications between our statewide member network and their elected officials. That is where you come in.

While CAMEO’s government relations team will continue to advocate for the nearly 220 organizations, agencies, and individuals dedicated to furthering Micro-Business development, your engagement with lawmakers in your home districts can make all the difference.

What to Talk About: Ask your Representative to Support the Small Business Saturday Resolution

Small Business Saturday is a day to support the local businesses that create jobs, contribute to the economy, and preserve neighborhoods around the country. With over 30.7 million small businesses, representing 99% of all businesses in the country, small businesses make innumerable contributions to local communities each year.

Now in its tenth year, Small Business Saturday has helped boost sales at small, local, independently-owned businesses that are the backbone of our communities. This day provides an ideal opportunity to support your local independent businesses during their most critical time of the year.  Please encourage your Representative to join Small Business Committee Chair Nydia Velazquez (D-NY) and Ranking Member Steve Chabot (R-OH) in support of Small Business Saturday by co-sponsoring a Small Business Saturday resolution designating November 30, 2019 as a day to support small business.

If You Are Calling:  You can reach the Congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Ask to be connected to the office you are trying to reach.

Use this Sample Script:

Hello. My name is ____________ and I am a constituent living in ____________. I am calling to urge Representative ____________ to co-sponsor the Small Business Saturday resolution to designate November 30, 2019 as a day to support small businesses. Co-sponsor the resolution by contacting the House Committee on Small Business.

If You Are Writing:  You can reach your Representative via email through a form on their website under “Contact.”

Use this Suggested Language:

Dear Representative ______, 
My name is ____________ and I am a constituent living in ____________. I am writing to urge you to support the Small Business Saturday resolution to designate November 30, 2019 as a day to support small businesses. To co-sponsor the resolution, contact the House Committee on Small Business.