Running A Successful District Meeting

Personal visits are highly effective ways of helping legislators understand your position or program. Legislators welcome visits from constituents. They want you involved, even though they are busy people. Arranging these meetings is relatively easy and the meetings themselves are inexpensive and convenient. State and federal legislators are in the district this summer and fall.

Maybe you’ve been too shy to make an appointment or you’re a procrastinator or you don’t quite know how to go about setting up a meeting.

Whatever the excuse, now is the time, and CAMEO has prepared a webinar to help motivate you. Heidi hosted the “District Meeting How-To” webinar that will walk you through logistics of setting up the meeting, how to prepare and what to do afterwards.

Watch and listen to the webinar (53 minutes)

Download the District Meeting Webinar to share with colleagues.

Two points of wisdom from Sharon Miller

  • One of CAMEO members’ strengths is that we can quantify our results.
  • Bone up on what your colleagues are doing and how programs differ to counteract any argument about duplications.

Check out our Advocacy Toolkit for more resources on effecting change.

About the Presenter

Heidi 1Heidi Pickman joined CAMEO in 2011 to develop and manage CAMEO’s communication and advocacy activities. Before joining CAMEO, she directed earned media activities for two California ballot initiatives and campaigned successfully to include clean energy provisions in the economic stimulus package of 2009. In her former career as a radio journalist, she produced national public radio programs including Weekend America and Marketplace Morning Report. She has a B.A. and M.A. in Economics from Tufts University and a C. Phil. in Economics from UCLA. She loves anything to do with Spain and dabbles in the fire arts.


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