Advocacy Day Success!

Thanks to the 40+ small business leaders from across the state who attended our first stand-alone Advocacy Day. Three great leaders who champion our sector and small business spoke about inclusive entrepreneurship, strengthening the entrepreneurial ecosystem through the state investment, and responsible small business lending. 
Isabel Guzman, the  Director of the Office of Small Business Advocate, Go-Biz joined us to listen to our concerns about disaster preparedness and response, gentrification, and the state investment in small business assistance. Assemblymember Sabrina Cervantes was grateful for our advocacy on the California Small Business Jobs Act, a $5 million investment in small business technical assistance. And we, of course, expressed our gratitude for her leadership. Finally, Senator Steve Glazer spoke about our joint effort on the ground and within the halls of power to pass SB 1235 as well as his new position as the chair of the Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee.
Let’s hope we made enough noise in the Capitol that the $5 million makes it in the final budget, due to close next week.  If you haven’t sent in your letter of support for the California Small Business Jobs Act, please do.