25 Reasons to Value CAMEO

This year is our 25th anniversary! It’s a great opportunity to reflect on the work that has been done by our staff, members, and partners. As we reflect on our 25 years of work in the sector, every week we’ll be highlighting one of the 25 reasons (or more!) to value CAMEO.
As part of our network of organizations and individuals that support small businesses, we’d love for you to tell us the reasons you value CAMEO! 
Reason #1: CAMEO keeps members up-to-date on industry news and happenings through our blog posts and website.
Reason #2: CAMEO helps our members network and connect through the various meetings and events we host every year.
Reason #3: CAMEO develops programs that respond to members’ needs for training and other capacity building, such as our seminars and monthly webinars.
Reason #4: CAMEO successfully advocates for legislation that helps small businesses and entrepreneurs. Last year was a particularly momentous one, with the passage of SB 1235, the first Truth-In-Lending bill for small business in the country, and a historic state investment in small business development.
Reason #5: CAMEO brings together experts from across the microbusiness sector to keep our members up to date on industry trends and help them improve their services to entrepreneurs.
Reason #6: CAMEO successfully advocates for policy that brings resources to our members.
Reason #7: Through various channels, CAMEO informs the public and media about small business and business assistance facts and figures.
Reason #8: CAMEO convenes members so that they can work together to strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Reason #9: CAMEO connects job seekers with job openings in the micro sector.
Reason #10: CAMEO partners with other organizations to optimize resources and strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Reason #11: CAMEO acts as an innovation hub for new programming, including lending platforms and online training.
Reason #12: CAMEO keeps up to date on the issues that affect microbusinesses in DC, Sacramento, and across California – so you don’t have to.
Reason #13: CAMEO broadens the reach of your clients’ success beyond your community by featuring them as a Micro Success Story.
Reason #14: CAMEO helps members promote their events through our Event Calendar, which keeps visitors informed of all industry events in California and beyond.
Reason #15: CAMEO brings you the latest trends and capacity building through our monthly webinar series.
Reason #16: CAMEO keeps members up to date on grant opportunities and state/federal business development funds through the weekly newsletter.
Reason #17: CAMEO is a hub of small and micro business research.
Reason #18: CAMEO partners with other organizations to expand the number of opportunities for our members.
Reason #19: CAMEO connects members with each other through networking events such as regional meetings and other annual member events like our MicroLenders Forum and Advocacy Day.
Reason #20: CAMEO amplifies the work of our members through blog posts, social media, and our weekly newsletters, such as the implementation of AB 626 and the MEHKO program.
Reason #21: CAMEO constantly develops new approaches to business assistance training through its various coaching programs.
Reason #22: CAMEO partners with other organizations to expand the number of opportunities for our members.
Reason #23: CAMEO’s many benefits for members include individualized support that ranges from microlending training to technical assistance and more.
Reason #24: CAMEO keeps members up-to-date on funding and professional opportunities through the weekly Must Know newsletter.Reason #25: CAMEO values fun! We always strive to make our events and programs exciting and stimulating – and throw in a crazy dog photo when appropriate.