News and New Tools from NoCal SBA; July 4th Recess Leg Meetings

  • CAMEO members that fill out the Census by July 14, 2017 will receive $100 toward lunch for their staff.
  • Northern California SBA Resource Partner’s Meeting
  • Federal Budget Update – Step I, Markups
  • And…Action! – Federal News, the July 4th recess is time for advocacy!
  • The Goodies – This week’s highlight is Aspen’s Economic Opportunities Program’s Job Quality Fellowship. Nominations are due by July 10, 2017. Applications are due on July 17, 2017.
  • Northern California SBA Resource Partner’s Meeting

    Earlier this week, many of the Northern California CAMEO members attended the SBA for it’s annual Resource Partner’s Meeting. It was great to see so many familiar faces and meet some of the new people who have connected to the network. A lot of time was spent networking, but the SBA presented two great resources that have come out of the San Francisco District Office.

    • SBA Lending Data: the data was put on the web and Noah Brod has worked with volunteer techies at meetups to help make the data more digestible. Contact him for more information.
    • The Small Business Technology Coalition is committed to helping small businesses leverage technology as a core driver of growth and differentiation. That means increasing digital education and training to Launch, Grow, Manage, and Win their business.

    Technology plays a central role in how businesses today start, operate and grow. Yet the latest research shows that more than half do not have a website, measure the results of their marketing or have a social media account. Only about half use digital tools to help with their business accounting. Your clients need to understand tech to be competitive. Take advantage of the Small Business Technology Coalition and have them help you educate your clients.

    When it was time for attendee input, one issue that was brought up was how the sector could help cannabis businesses, as federal funds are not able to be used for that sector. Have you been approached to offer business assistance? Are you able to offer them services? Why? Why not? We’re interested in your feedback.

    And last but not least, the SBA honored Claudia for her long service to the micro sector (see photo)!

    Federal Budget Update – Step I, Markups

    Earlier this week two appropriations subcommittees meant and gave a first pass on budget numbers. What we know:

    • The House Agriculture, Rural Development and Food & Drug Appropriations Subcommittee funded the Intermediary Relending Program (IRP) at $17.5 million.
    • The House Financial Services & General Government (FSGG) Appropriations Subcommittee funded the CDFI Fund at $190 million, and Microloan Technical Assistance was funded at $31 million.

    The good news: The Microloan allocation reflects CAMEO’s budget request.
    The Mixed News: The $190 million is $176 million more than the President’s budget, but $60 million less than FY 2017, but we believe that we have support in the Senate for the $250 million.

    What we don’t know: Allocations for the Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program (RMAP), the Rural Business Development Grant (RBDG) Program, WBC’s, PRIME and SBDCs will be released following the full Appropriations Committee’s mark-up following the one-week July 4 recess.

    And…Action! – July 4th recess – time for advocacy

    The new section of the Must Know — And…Action! — is in response to the current political reality that demands that we participate more fully in the state and the federal legislative processes. We urge you to assign a staff person to be responsible for taking action.

    Federal Action – July 4th recess – time for advocacy!

    The CDFI budget numbers are a sure call to action.

    On June 30, Congress will return to their states and districts for the one-week July 4 recess. This is where you come in. You are affected by government policy every day and your advocacy at the district level is vital. CAMEO has been tirelessly advocating for robust funding for entrepreneurial development programs these past few months in Washington, DC. However, any successful advocacy effort also includes direct communication between constituents and their elected officials. This is where you come in. You are affected by government policy every day and your advocacy at the district level is vital to CAMEO’s efforts in Washington.

    The best way to make sure the ‘Micro Message’ is heard loud and clear is for you to schedule a meeting with your Representative and Senators in their local office, and tell your story. Find your representative and contact their local office. Download the following July Recess Packet:

    • What to ask for;
    • Talking Points Supporting Micro; and
    • CAMEO’s funding request letters sent to Congress regarding USDA, SBA and CDFI funding.

    Thank you for your continued support of CAMEO’s advocacy for entrepreneurs and microbusiness in California. Email us to tell us about your meetings!

    Healthcare Update from last week: On Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell postponed the vote on health care. CNN has an easily digestible explanation of where it goes from here – “Senate health care plan: What happens now?” AEO has a summary of what the draft Senate bill does, which is sure to change if it is to pass.


    And not to be left out: SB 562, a bill that would have created California’s single-payer health care system was shelved for the rest of the year.

    The Goodies

    New opportunities for training, conference information, funding, scholarships, and other information that have crossed our desks since the last Must Know. I have posted a running tab of current Industry Goodies on the CAMEO website that lists items that were in past emails. Check it out to make sure you’re not missing anything, like grants whose deadlines are still alive!

    Member Kudos: Congrats to the following clients of CAMEO members who are local winners of the 2017 InnovateHER Challenge from the SBA Santa Ana District Office: Noki Baby Bottle Adapter (NaChe’ Thompson), hosted by Inland Empire Women’s Business Center; and Saving Face developed by Green Harmonies (Alice Bellanich) hosted by Coachella Valley Women’s Business Center.

    Member in the News: Cutting Edge Capital’s Vice President Brian Beckon compellingly breaks down community capital on Method to the Madness with Lisa Kiefer, a weekly show that showcases the innovative spirit of the Bay Area.

    For Your Clients:The Census Business Builder is an easy to use, mobile-optimized tool that provides access to selected demographic and economic data from the U.S. Census Bureau tailored to business owners and regional planners.

    For Your Clients:Our colleagues at Small Business Majority are hosting the following webinars starting on July 12, 2017: Access to Capital 101: Funding Options to Start and Grow Your Business (in English and Spanish) and Money Now, Money Later: The ABCs of Financing Your Small Business and Building Your Retirement

    Open for business: GrantAdvisor, a Yelp! for grant makers is now open for you to hare your experiences or working with a foundation.

    Panel Discussion: Join our friends from ASBC on Thursday, June 29, 2017, 5:30-7:30pm for Employee & Worker Ownership: A Sure Fire Way to Build a More Sustainable Economy! Worker ownership and more democratically structured companies address several critical challenges facing the U.S. economy: inadequate retirement savings, income inequality and the silver tsunami with many boomer led companies closing their doors. Worker ownership has bipartisan appeal and can help grow local and regional economies in a more egalitarian manner. Location: Future State, 2101 Webster St #520, Oakland, CA 94612.

    Free Webinar: Friedman Associates is hosting – Pursuing CDFI Certification in Uncertain Times on July 13, 2017 at 11:00am-12:30pm PDT.

    Job Quality Fellowship: Aspen’s Economic Opportunities Program is accepting applications for the Job Quality Fellowship. Nominations are due by July 10, 2017. Applications are due on July 17, 2017.

    Grant Opportunity: The USDA is seeking applications for technical assistance and training grants in the Community Facilities program. Learn more from the Federal Register Notice. The deadline is July 24, 2017.

    New Report: SBA Office of Advocacy has a new report – “Women’s Business Ownership: Data from the 2012 Survey of Business Owners” – that shows the major economic contribution of women-owned businesses, in spite of their average smaller size when compared to male-owned firms.

    New Report: The Center for Financial Security (CFS) and Asset Funders Network (AFN) released the results of the Financial Coaching Census 2016.

    New Report: WIPP and American University’s Kogod Tax Policy Center released “Billion Dollar Blind Spot: How the U.S. Tax Code’s Small Business Expenditures Impact Women Business Owners.” Women business owners are missing out on key tax provisions and can’t take full advantage of $255+ billion in tax incentives designed to stimulate small business growth, access to capital and investment because of how they are legally organized and the industries they are in.
