- January 24, 2013January 24, 2013: Asm. Mariko Yamada (D-Davis) introduced AB 152, the Self-Employment Assistance Program and our Facebook page has a…
- January 22, 2013
- January 18, 2013January 18, 2013: Connect with CAMEO online - YouTube, Scoop.it, Twitter and Facebook and lots of goodies
- January 10, 2013January 10, 2013: 2013 Advocacy priorities for micro-business and Facebook Cover Photo Contest, CDFI stuff
- January 10, 2013Verity Somers learned the skills she needed to be her own boss thanks to the instruction she received from CAMEO…
- January 9, 2013
- January 4, 2013January 3, 2013: Calendar for supporting California's micro business sector, member kudos ($30 million grant)