Responsible Small Biz Lending Updates; CalSavers Train the Trainer

Responsible Small Biz Lending

Bill AB 2314 – Responsible Small Business Lending, introduced by Assembly Member Cottie Petrie-Norris was amended last Thursday. The bill would require any commercial financing products that leverage state funding—such as loan guarantee programs—to include several financing rights and protections for borrowers.

CAMEO and many of our colleagues have led in California’s responsible lending efforts with the passage of SB 1235 in 2018 and we support this bill. Please join us by submitting a letter of support for AB 2314.

CalSavers Train the Trainer

Join us on April 7, 2022 at 11:30am PT for our CalSavers Train the Trainer.

Our Speaker, Jonathan Herrera is the Director of Outreach and Education for CalSavers, the State’s pioneering retirement savings program which will provide a path to retirement security for over seven million Californians who lack access to a retirement savings plan at work. Jonathan has over 20 years of experience working in personal, small business, and government finance.

Impact Notes with ICA

Join us on April 13, 2022 at 10:30am PT for Impact Notes with ICA.

The ICA Impact Note is an innovative investment structure that incentivize businesses to create measurable social impact outcomes: job creation, employer-paid health benefits, equity ownership and profit distribution for workers, and workforce diversity. As each of these milestones are met, the valuation cap and discount are adjusted by a predetermined amount, shifting financial returns for the investor into social returns for the community.

The Goodies

For Your Clients & New Resources

Industry News

Other Goodies

  • Join CBA for Blueprints for Building Credit on June 22-24, 2022.
  • Jobs: PCV, ICA, Centro Community Partners, Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center, The New York Immigration Coalition, and Start Small Think Big announced new jobs recently. See who else is hiring!