Serving Small Businesses in Today’s Challenging Times: Alternative Capital

During this challenging time, not all of your clients are going to be able to, or want to, take on more debt.

In this week’s session, we explore some of the alternative funding products that can help your clients weather the current crisis:

  • Kathleen Minogue from Crowdfund Better on who crowdfunding is for and a tool for businesses to see if they would be good candidates for a crowdfunding campaign
  • Anne Lufkin from Kiva on their 0% loan
  • Jonny Price from Wefunder explains their new equity-based product.
  • Discuss other sources of funding that you’ve found for your clients.


Crowdfund Better



  • Loans
    • $20k to $107k loan amount
    • 3% interest (simple)
    • Repayments as % of revenue, limited to 10-year max term
    • First repayment deferred to 2021
    • Funding from customers and community members
  • Jonny Price can help you and your clients onto the platform

Paycheck Protection Program